Vertigo is flueless fire you hang on wall
For the outrageous price of $2500 you can get the Vertigo flueless fireplace that hangs on your wall. And unlike similar decorations this is an actual burning fire that runs on natural gas. So you'll still have a way to stay warm once they turn off your heat because you spent all your utilities money on this thing.
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Cardboard Punch-Out Chairs
We have featured a number of challenging designs constructed entirely from singular materials. From cardboard sculptures of cars through to this latest design made entirely from light wood.
This 'punch-out' design stool comes complete with its own hang sell. Easier than a three year old's jigsaw puzzle, the pieces pop out of the frame to create a simple yet stylish stool.
If you know of any other simple punch-out designs or cool cardboard creations, let us know and we will feature them in upcoming posts!